Johnston Press - Advertising

My first job as a creative lead back in 2005. Johnston press wanted a standout campaign to get more of the market share for their online car sales brand 'Motors today' their biggest competition being auto trader.

I worked with the Account Director to develop the proposition - "Mad about Motors". The proposition was a simple one, if you thought of cars before anything else, then 'Motors today' would itch that scratch and quench that thirst.

The creative featured a series of scenarios when a car should be the last thing on your mind, such as joy riding a hearse at a funeral and swapping places with the chauffeur to drive the Jag on your wedding day. 

The print and TV campaign was originally for the Yorkshire region and was very successful, so much so, that it is rolled out across a number of other regions in England and Scotland. 

It was very successful for CMW as well scooping a couple of Fresh awards.

Click here for Campaign article

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Mad about motors 6 sheet.jpg