Rymans Pitch
The following creative was for high street stationers Rymans. They asked us to take a look at their instore POS and advertising for their busiest period of the year May – September.
The campaign was split across three groups, young children, teenagers and students, and would cover the summer holiday and back to school/college periods. We created a campaign for each ‘Summer specials’, ‘Stacks of savings’ and ‘Giant savings’ The creative included a two stage advertising campaign, in-store POS and a group of characters made of stationary which would attract a younger audience.
As part of the pitch process we printed out two of these characters at life size and placed these at the office to greet the Marketing Director and the marketing manager - these had a great impact on them and ensured that we were very memorable.
From a six way pitch we were selected as the final two agencies and were told that a decision would be made shortly. Unfortunately after a couple of weeks we were contacted by the CEO informing us that the marketing director and her marketing manager were no longer at the business and he had decided to take the creative in-house because of the now tight dealine.